In preparation for effective deployment, all Medical Cadet Corps (MCC) members take part in both in-person trainings as well as independent study courses which categorically can be divided into the following categories: Spiritual, Medical, Specialty Training, Organizational & Leadership, Drill, Physical, and Electives. All of the established training courses from the FL Conf. MCC can be found by category below.
Certain classes from within each category will be selected to be the focused on a rotational basis. The rotation of classes will be established on a semester system, with the semesters being Summer, Fall, and Spring and the start of the year defined as June 1st.
For more information, please reference the Curriculum & Training Manual: Coming Soon!
Florida Conference Brigade Training
- The Florida Conference MCC Brigade will have Brigade-wide training and certifying events each semester where all of the MCC Cadets will gather together. It is at these events where courses are signed off and then added to each Cadet’s portfolio.
Local Unit Training
- MCC Cadets will attend their assigned local unit’s meetings at their unit’s designated Local Church Sponsor location where the Cadets will train in preparation for the Brigade-wide training and certifying events. Local meetings may occur either weekly or bi-weekly, depending on their unit’s needs.
Basic First Aid and CPR Courses
Bite Wounds
Disaster First Aid Pt 1 Introduction
Disaster First Aid Pt 2 Controlling Bleeding
Disaster First Aid Pt 3 Airway
Disaster First Aid Pt 4 Basic Care
Disaster Psychology
Disaster Public Hygiene
Disaster Victim Assessments
Fractures Dislocations Sprains and Strains
Litters Part 1 Types and Patient Care
Litters Part 2 Procedures
Taking Vital Signs